Roads are the lifeline of any nation, people, commerce and flow through it. In a state of Uttarakhand hills as good roads are important for a rapid movement of the affected population and other perishable foods. The condition of roads is deplorable Uttarakhand. New development of streets and potholes are swamped by landslides. This can be done because of weakness inherent in the process of the road.
Road-makers follow a "shoot and scoot" policy, its role is completed when the road is certified as complete. Degraded that the road is irrelevant after the first rain to someone. To avoid such situations in order to fill all contracts or widen roads should come with a clause to the maintenance of the road for five years. This will ensure that good quality roads to be constructed, otherwise the contractor will spend more money on repairs when it won the contract. The separation of the phases of construction and maintenance of a road project provides poor quality. 5 years is the period required after every repair proper maintenance of roads would be. Maintenance contract for one year is clearly insufficient.
Geologists must be constrained by the contractor hired for the entire project. They should be included to ensure the construction and cutting of slopes to stable. The steep slopes with views of the roads leading to landslides and mudslides, killing and wounding a number of people each year. These steep slopes have been knighted, when the road was built.
Landslides are music to the ears of entrepreneurs, more landslides on contracts to repair roads. In this vicious circle is the cause of the landslide rot in the hope of a plate of fresh next year. The treatment of landslides has been to be part of the project, no extra money comes in, what will motivate contractors to respect and treat early signs of a landslide, such as "prevention is always less expensive than cure ".
Blasting of rock must be that breath of destabilizing the mountain should be banned by increasing geographic fault lines, landslides and seismic activity. The internationally accepted method of dealing with rock cut and chip to fill with debris from the street, the "half-cut - a half-load" method. Although this approach is long and expensive, it is environmentally friendly and prevent landslides through a stable slopes.
The practice saves money rolling road debris in the valleys destabilized slopes and makes them vulnerable to slides. Besides the damage to vegetation, it allows the turbulent flow through partially blocked and causes of shoreline erosion. Debris should be a permanent burial site, which solidified on completion of the project and must have been sown with grass and indigenous trees truck.
At the end of construction, temporary structures, debris and remaining materials are generally abandoned the site. This results in increased pollution in the jungle and is dangerous. Strategy waiver must be well planned and executed.
The construction of roads means a lot of money and village leaders are often local construction companies. Role of money in awarding contracts and certificates is known, as is the usual reason is the most money. This prompted the Indian government and under the guidelines of the agreement. The local population does not speak of these irregularities because of the strength of entrepreneurs.
The involvement of local people and ensure that contractual arrangements of each block in Uttaranchal should be followed voluntarily "January Nigran Block Samiti have" headed by a former soldier named by the state government on the advice State Council of former soldiers. The Samiti may have 4-5 other members, should be managed by the government, appointed two ex-soldiers and two ladies. Criterion civil appointment could be (a) never a political party (2) is not linked to an entrepreneur. Traditional regional leaders as sayanas "by Jaunsaras Bawar should be permanent members. The rest will be used for a voluntary basis 5YR once in a lifetime term. The Samiti has to be made by the president and function are integrated into all government activities in the block.
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